Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Testing Tips

Your first major assessment is due on Feb. 15th.   You are testing in QUIA, so  don't forget to review your pretest! What are some study strategies that you use to be successful on tests?  What are some strategies that you have used that did not work for you?


Jolene T said...

I use flashcards a lot, I don't know it just seems to help me a little.
Going over notes help me also, and so does studying with a partner. I like when we do classroom activities, that helps me a lot too.

Usually every study does help me, but when we do boring stuff like just going over notes it doesn't help me at all.

Andrew W. said...

I in all actuality do not study because when i see it i remember what i've seen no matter how hard it is to remember. I however did study because i forgot some of the material and reviewed it quickly. plus tests for me are really easy

Daniel S. said...

The test strategie I use the most is studying my notes because the answers to the test are normally always there. The test strategie that never works for me are flashcards because I always mess up when I make them.

Emily A. said...

I honestly didn't study at that much at home because, I was sick the day before and my binder was still at school. I tried t oread my sissters handwriting and look over her notes because she had sixth grade sceince last semester, and she had some notes on the scientific method and things. I didn't do the greatest I could've done if I had my notes, but for using a sixth graders notes... I did pretty good. Next time I will go over my pretest and notes.

Anonymous said...

Some of the strategies that I used that helped me are, flash cards and studing my notes and my study guide. THe strategies that didnt help me is if i try to learn by watching a video or computer games


Kelsey J said...

The way I like to study is by looking over my notes and studying with a partner. I also like when we do classroom activities.

One way I really dont like to study is using flash cards. I dont think it helps me at all.

Noah said...

I have looked in my notes just reading them over and over again get them stuck in my head. But what really helps is when I study with a friend and I remember how they messed up and my match it with that. Or they always get it right and it helps me remember. Study strategies that dont work for me are flashcards because it still doesn't help if I get some confused.

Ryan H said...

I don't study. I just have a habit of remembering. If I had to choose one that I thaught would work out I would choose flashcards. They are easy to make and use. I can't really pick a bad one because I don't study much and I only use flashcard if a teacher makes me.

Joshua L. said...

Going over the notes was the easiest and fastest because all the notes are right there in my binder in order I've been told what to study and where to study so it shouldn't be that hard. Doing the labs were fun but i didn't see how it helped me. Working with others are the best way I learn I dont know why and I dont know why but it does.

Nicolee. said...

What helps me is if i rewrite the info over and over again irt seems to help. If i do partner work or like study with a partner it helps too. Notes also help me alot. What didnt help me was leartning it one day and not goingover it the next.

Marissa C. said...

To study for a test, I say the question and answer ten times.. Then I go and ask my mom to help me study and she ask the questions then I answer them..

Bethann B said...

I usually don't study unless the test is very big and important like the cumulative tests and SOLs. If I have to, then I have my parents come up with questions and read off of my notes so I can answer them. I usually don't do anything too complicated (not even flashcards) since it is usually only for the one test. If all else fails, I use my brother's old notes!

Gabe T said...

the test strategie i use the most is using my notes.The notes help me alot because you have all the anwsers to a test and working with a partner help me alot to beacuse it just helps me alot.And going over the notes with the whole class helps me alot to.

Anonymous said...

When I'm taking a test I like to read the questions out loud to myself. I usually don't study because when I do I get a bad score. Sometimes I'll study like right before we take the test so it's in my head when I'm taking the test. Some strategies that I have used in the past that hasn't worked was not pay attention in class. That is not helpful at all!

Justin M. :)

Anonymous said...

somtimes you can just look at the study guide. if you have a basketball hoop you can play at type of knock out game. flash cards dont work for me.

trenten b.

Anonymous said...

Using flash cards to study has always helped me do well on tests. Sometimes teachers want you to do projects about your vacabulary, I hate when they do that,becouse it never helps me. I,m glad that your one of the teachers that let,s us choose our way of studying.
