Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's Elementary

With the exception of oxygen, which element on the periodic table do you think has the greatest impact on our day to day  lives?  Explain your  answer.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What's the MATTER.....

We have been discussing some of the basic principles of matter.  What properties were you already familiar with?  What were some of the new properties we discussed?  Do you think these new properties change as the states of matter change?  Explain your answer.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Testing Tips

Your first major assessment is due on Feb. 15th.   You are testing in QUIA, so  don't forget to review your pretest! What are some study strategies that you use to be successful on tests?  What are some strategies that you have used that did not work for you?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scientific Method Application

Last week we spent alot of time discussing the scientific method.  What exactly is the scientific method?  Why can the steps involved in this process be used in almost every type of situation?  Give one example of how it can be used out of the area of science.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Factors That Affect Chemical Reactions

In class we discussed several factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.  Which factor do you think has the greatest influence in determining the rate of a chemical reaction? Why? Explain your answer.

Monday, October 3, 2011


On Friday we finished working on the concept of density. Explain why you think the two units used (grams and mL or cubic centimeters) are appropriate for density's formula.  What real life applications could density be used for?  Explain (Do not use the example we discussed in class)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To correct, or not to correct...That is the question!

Several of you have taken advantage of the opportunity to make corrections on your classwork.  Besides the obvious reason of raising your grade, what other benefits do you see in making corrections on your work?  Some would argue it's a waste of time.  What do you think?  Be sure to explain your choice.